Tuesday, September 4, 2012

AUGUST 16th!

I cannot believe I haven't updated the blog since AUGUST 16th!  WOW! I will update the blog with our visit to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park.   We left Grand Teton on Sunday.  We spent the night in Declo ID and headed to Boise ID.   We had an issue with the RV's generator.  It appeared to have a gas leak and the generator door popped off along the tough roads of MT.   Camping World in Boise fixed the generator but we won't be able to pick up the generator door until we reach California (can't run generator in Yosemite if we don't have the door!).  

We made it to Oregon today.  OREGON! I still can't believe I am on this journey and I'm sitting in OREGON and was in IDAHO yesterday!  Sad that WY and MT are behind us but Crater Lake here we come!

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