Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day6 Yosemite - Glacier Point Road

We decided to go to Stars Over Yosemite presentation the Glacier Point Amphitheater. We drove out Glacier Point Road.  Wow!  The views were outstanding.  We stopped as Washburn Point which was unbelieveable. Glacier Point was even better!  Outstanding views and truly magificent!    We arrived as the sun was setting.  Our pictures don't do the views justice!

Half Dome at sunset

Half-dome, North Dome, Basket Dome and many more!

Unfortunately, no ranger showed up for the Stars Over Yosemite presentation so we left and stopped at Tunnel View to view the stars.  Tunnel View overlooks El Capitan, Bridalveil Falls and Half Dome.  It was dark and the stars were out. The night was clear, the stars were beautiful but the most moving thing I saw was the rock climbers lights on El Capitan.  The lights looked like little stars on El Capitan!  It was so cool!   I got goose bumps imaging what it must be like to be hanging on El Capitan on a portaledge (a hanging cot fastened to the sheer face) under the stars.  Talk about being alive!
I googled and found a picture that captures the sight, since available light night photography is way beyond our skill level.  Truly incredible. It really looks like that in the moonlight.
Original link

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