Monday, August 13, 2012

Two Medicine

We went to the Two Medicine area of the park today.  We ( did not have the stamina to do the original 6 mile hike we planned. We just tooled around, went to Running Eagle Falls and to Paradise Point (maybe 2 miles total).  It was nice and relaxed.  We plan on doing a 10 mile hike tomorrow and 8 mile on Wed or Thurs depending on weather.

Running Eagle Falls

The water comes from undergrround chutes!

We drove to Two Sisters restaurant for lunch.  It is between St Mary and Babb.  It was awesome!  We had the red burger (their speciality).  The burger was loaded with onion, mushroom, bacon, cheese and creole sauce.  We will return for dessert (lemon huckleberry bread pudding or maybe huckleberry pie ala mode - we will see!).

Two Sisters - Interior as eclectic as exterior!

Note the aliens welcome on the roof and the play on words on the sign.

We just hung out and did some wash.  Steve was talking to a guy in campsite across from us.   They are towing a 95 Geo Tracker and the transmission is hosed.  They only have 2nd gear.  They said screw it and drove to Canada with only 2nd gear.  He said when 2nd gear goes he will start renting a car.  Too funny!   The tow bar is so low that when there is a dip or imperfection in a gas station pavement,  'we take some of the gas station with us'.  They are quite the characters.

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